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The link-place concept


Link Place believes that every place in a city or suburb is a place for people. Streets are integral to the liveability of a neighbourhood.


The Link Place concept is that each street has a role within the fabric of a city or surburb. Each street needs to be a 'complete street'  which provides for both people and for transport. 


Under the link and place approach, each street functions as both:

  • a 'Link' for transport movement, 


  • a 'Place' where the street is a destination for people to undertake various activities (meet, eat, shop)


The Link status of a street is influenced by the volume of people using that street by all modes of transport (walking, cycling ; and the strategic importance of the travel requirements along those routes.


The Place status is influenced by factors such as the number of people using that street for everyday activities, and it strategic importance as a destination.


The strategic importance of the link and place dimensions can be allocated on a matrix which gives consideration to both functions. This encourages an interdisciplinary approach involving both transport and urban planning professionals.


This approach has been used by a number of organisations including Transport for London in their Street Types for London, and the South Australian Government in their Streets for People Compendium.


Above: Video by Transport for London on Street Types for London

Below: Every street functions as both a LINK for transport movement; and as a PLACE for people to carry out their everyday activities. 

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