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Sara Stace

Sara Stace is a city shaper with extensive knowledge about cities, land use, and urban transport. She is particularly interested in the role of active transport and urban design to create liveable communities. She founded Link Place in 2014.


Sara is currently a panellist on the NSW Government Architect's State Design Review Panel; and is chair of the Urban Mobility Taskforce for the Smart Cities Council of Australia and New Zealand. 


Sara was formerly Director of National Urban Policy in the Australian government’s Major Cities Unit / Infrastructure Australia where she led six years of policy development and reform including:

  • wrote three new national policies including the National Urban Policy, National Urban Design Protocol, and National Active Transport Policy,

  • worked with advisory bodies reporting to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG),

  • forged agreement with major stakeholders across government and industry,

  • made strategic recommendations to the Department and Minister’s office,

  • was the federal government representative on the Australian Bicycle Council reporting through Austroads to COAG.


Previously Sara was General Manager of an ASX-listed property fund; Associate Director for a multinational property consultancy; and project architect for several award-winning architecture firms. She currently works for Transport for NSW on secondment from Waverley Council.


Sara holds a wide range of awards and honours including a National Award from the Planning Institute of Australia 2014​; Commendation from the Planning Institute of Australia NSW Chapter 2017; Australia Day Achievement Award and Secretary's Award from the Commonwealth Government 2012; Australian Institute of Architects Special Jury Award 2004;  Banksia Environmental Award Commendation 2004; and National Imagining the Future Award 2004.



  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), Australian Graduate School of Management, University of NSW and University of Sydney

  • Registered Architect #6883, Board of Architects NSW

  • Bachelor of Architecture (BArch Hons I), University of Western Australia (Master equivalent)





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